
  • Opções para presentear no Natal: linha Copaíba Hydra

    Opções para presentear no Natal: linha Copaíba Hydra

      Sua mãe sofre com pele seca? Sua amiga reclama da acne? Você quer um hidratante poderoso? Então conheça a linha Copaíba Hydra da Amakos da Amazônia. Ela tem como ativo principal o óleo resina extraído do tronco da árvore...

  • Outono: como cuidar da pele durante a estação?

    Autumn: how to take care of your skin during the season?

    In summer, the skin tends to become more oily due to high temperatures. In autumn, the weather is drier and colder, characteristics of this time of year, and can cause a decrease in natural oil. The consequences are: dry, peeling,...

  • Por que você deveria investir em produtos clean beauty?

    Why should you invest in clean beauty products?

    In recent years, a significant change has occurred in the world of beauty. More and more consumers are looking for cosmetics that not only enhance their appearance, but are also responsible for the environment and, at the same time, beneficial...

  • Cooperativismo na Amazônia: celebrando o mês da mulher com empoderamento

    Cooperativism in the Amazon: celebrating women's month with empowerment

    In women's month, March, we highlight initiatives that strengthen the women's wing in various roles, here at AMAKOS da Amazônia. For those who don't know yet, the startup is led by South Korean entrepreneur Soon Hee Han. The company plays...

  • Cacay: insumo não madeireiro que faz bem para a floresta e para a pele

    Kahai oil: a non-timber raw material that's good for the forest and your skin

    As it is a non-timber tree, the inputs removed through sustainable management only bring benefits to the forest and communities.
  • O que é o Sangue de Dragão e o que ele pode fazer pela sua pele?

    What is Dragon's Blood resin oil and what can it do for your skin?

    Dragon's Blood has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, reduces redness, soothes irritated skin and promotes cell regeneration.